Our Services

  • Success starts before your baby arrives. Research demonstrates time and time again that prenatal breastfeeding education increases successful breastfeeding rates substantially. The best part? Your insurance may cover the cost of your 1-on-1 consultation with your Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)!

    Additionally, we offer group prenatal breastfeeding classes (in-person and virtually) within the community. Contact us to enroll in our next class!

  • When your baby makes their arrival and you are navigating the initial days and weeks of breastfeeding or pumping, we can support a multitude of common concerns that you or baby may be experiencing.

    Common concerns during this time may include:

    1. Initial appointment in your first days home to assess how you’re doing and ensure breastfeeding is going successfully.

    2. Provide education on latching techniques and positioning.

    3. Thoroughly evaluating baby’s transfer ability and address low milk supply concerns.

    4. Conducting weighted feeds or oral functional exams (tongue tie).

    5. Sizing pump flanges and discussing pumping skills.

    6. Evaluate and support treatment through clogged milk ducts and mastitis

    7. Supporting your preparation and return back to work while balancing breastfeeding

    8. Weaning off of a nipple shield to direct breastfeeding

    9. Breastfeeding after breast surgery

    10. Travel and breastfeeding/pumping support

    11. Starting a new medication while breastfeeding

    12. Supporting your premature baby and breastfeeding journey

    13. Nursing Strikes

    14. Weaning from bottles to breastfeeding

    15. Jaundice and breastfeeding

    16. Nipple/breast pain or damage

    17. Slow breastfed infant weight gain concerns

    18. Sleepy breastfeeding baby

    19. Noisy feeding

    20. Bottle refusal

    21. Return to fitness and supplements while breastfeeding

    22. And whatever other question or concern may arise from the first latch to when you’re ready to wean! We’re here to support from start to finish.

    1. Through our partnership insurance biller, The Lactation Network, we can bill to some insurance carriers. Such as:
      BCBS PPO, Anthem PPO, Multiple PPO, UHC, UMR, All Savers, Oxford Health Plan, Surest, PNOA, VA CCN-Optum East (referral required)

      If you or baby have any of the above insurance policies as your primary insurance, please submit for coverage verification before our appointment: HERE

      2. Through our partnership insurance biller, Wildflower Health, we can also bill to Cigna. If you or your baby has Cigna please submit for coverage here before our first appointment: HERE

      (Note: Home visits may incur a travel fee and we would communicate that ahead of your home visit. Any necessary fees would be confirmed, invoiced and collected along with intake forms in advance of the appointment.)